Here I go again: steroid step down

I’ve been back from travelling for around a month now and in that time I have:

  • visited Ireland to see the in-laws and explore a part of the country I had never seen before, Galway
  • found and moved into a new flat
  • set up new flat to make it home
  • started a new job
  • started a new diet (more on this in a follow up post)

However the most important thing I have done since being back was visit my doctor to get a new prescription and get bloods taken. The results seem to be normal from the information I can get over the phone.

I also let her know that I planned to step down my daily dose of steroids over the coming months and being conscientious, she booked me in for monthly blood tests. This is the first time I’ve had these ordered by a doctor since London and, although it takes time out of the working week, it will be good to track my body’s reaction to the increased steroids over the past three months and how it responds as I step down. Data is everything these days, after all.

Already started

This month, I have got myself down from 10mgs a day to 7mgs and I plan to be down to 5mgs by the start of June. From there, experience tells me it will be a more gradual process. I know the toll this will take on me emotionally from previous experience – you can read about my last step down from the steroids in this blog’s medication archive.

However, to be reliant on as few drugs as possible while not compromising on quality of life has always been my goal for coping with my MG. In this respect, I must treat this step down process as a new test for my body and watch carefully to see how it responds.

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