Coping with myasthenia gravis blog on eCare Diary

Following on from the radio interview I did with eCare Diary Radio, they asked for a follow up blog.

You can read the blog on the eCare Diary website:

In it, I continue the theme of coping with myasthenia gravis and broke my recommendations down into three key themes:

  1. Stop blaming yourself
  2. Let someone in
  3. Connect with others who know what you’re going through

As I get quite a few people emailing about this blog helping them to cope with the condition, I thought the blog might provide some further detail on these three important topics.

Because the show and blog are aimed at loved ones as well as people with conditions, it might have some helpful tips for those close to you.

Please let me know if there are any other aspects of coping with myasthenia that you’d like me to write about.

You can read the blog on the eCare Diary website: